Wednesday, May 30, 2012



What is communication?  Is it speaking? Listening? Reading? Writing? Gestures? Understanding?  How often do we understand what someone is conveying to us, through any medium?  Communication can be very difficult when you're not ready to listen.  It takes a certain amount of humility to listen to someone whose views you do not agree with.  Any disagreement can turn into an argument or fight simply because you choose not to listen.  You have to be open-minded enough to listen with intent to understand.  You're not listening if you're just waiting for your turn to speak.

Are you listening with a biased mind?  I was recently involved in a situation where I was trying to help two friends to communicate and overcome a perceived slight.  Each person felt the other person was in the wrong.  Each person was not aware of the other person's being offended.  How are you supposed to know you've offended someone unless they tell you?  It was very frustrating to try to get them to understand that no one can read your mind and you just need to come out and tell someone that you didn't like what they said or did.  It seems so simple to me, but elusive to others.

Do you have a hard time communicating with others?  Do you feel that people never understand your message?

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